SPOA's Rent Control Testimony at the State House Covered in the Press

Dear SPOA Members and Supporters:

We would like to thank everyone who testified at the state house rent control hearing Tuesday, November 14, whether you did so verbally or in writing.

SPOA also testified against rent control and TOPA (Tentant Opportunity to Purchase Act) on behalf of property owners and their tenants in person. The panel included SPOA Vice President, Amir Shahsavari, and SPOA Treasurer Shlomo Pinkas. The panel was sponsored by Rep. David DeCoste, who allowed SPOA to be heard earlier in the hearing.

Below, you will find an audio recording of the testimony, in addition to coverage of the testimony in the press. Our advocacy was covered in several publications, including NBC Boston, State House News Service, Mass Live, Banker & Tradesman, and The Boston Globe, among others.

Audio Testimony

If you have not yet provided written testimony and wish to do so, you may send your testimony via email following the instructions in our previous message.

Although the rent control ballot initiative got derailed, the battle will continue to be alive and real in the legislature. This is why we must not take our foot off the gas. Your continued support is very important. 


Small Property Owners Association (SPOA)


SPOA Testifies at Housing Bond Bill Hearing


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